Solid state physics is taught at CSM using a 'partially-flipped' classroom, where students watch short screencasts before class that deliver part of the daily course content. In class time is used for active-learning activities such as the discussion of the screencasts, case examples, and short experiments/demonstrations, as well as the presentation of additional material in a lecture format. We will continue to add videos and associated supplemental material as time permits. If you have any comments on the partial-flipped classroom, the website, or the videos, please send me an email.


The following students have made significant contributions to this course:

Nicole Johnson

Nicole spent a summer brainstorming with me on how to flip Solid State. She is co-author of (scripts, recording and video editting) over 25 of the videos seen on the website. Nicole was a guiding light in the early hours of this project, keeping the videos and morale on the right track.

Leah Moldauer

Leah drafted and recorded three of the videos on the site and designed the course website. Her devotion to clarity of expression and conceptual flow has led to significant revisions of the course content.

Abigail Meyer

Abigail pioneered many demonstrations to the in-class portion of the course and created the video note pages and subtitles for each video.

Financial Support

The initial course development efforts have been supported by the CSM Physics Department, the Counley Fund, and the RCSA Cottrell Scholar Award. These efforts led to support from the CSM Trefney Innovative Instruction Center and the National Science Foundation (CAREER grant) for continued developments.